Our Approach
At New Patterns of Perception, we use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a combination of talk therapy (processing events by talking about them) and identifying patterns of thought that are causing problems in a patient's life. Once these have been identified, we use cognitive restructuring (changing thought processes) through the use of behavioral conditioning. CBT is very much a teaching therapy, but instead of being lectured to by the therapist, the therapist and the patient work together, much like the relationship between an apprentice and an experienced craftsman. The patient is involved in their own recovery from their presenting problems, which is why CBT is so effective. As the patient works with the therapist, they learn about the causes behind their issue(s), ask questions, and in the end learn things about:
Self (what a patient has control over), environment (their current or past experiences not under their control), and any other causes such as cycles of behavior passed down, either through genetics or cycles that have perpetuated through their family's history.
We work with a full spectrum of patients, dealing with anxiety, depression, life changes, and many other issues.
In addition to education and a combined 34 years of experience and licensure, we bring to your team additional degrees or training in other areas, such as Marriage and Family Therapist, Play Therapy, Substance Use Specialist, or Communications. We continue to seek out new and talented professionals in the areas of Social Work, Play Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
We believe in a team approach to treatment. By this, we mean that if you haven’t already built a mental healthcare team, we will build one together. Examples of professionals who might be on your mental healthcare team other than your therapist and you are your primary care physician, psychiatrists, neurologists, and psychologists among others.
We also work closely with parents when needed to help their child receive the best learning environment possible by communicating with school psychologists, counselors, and diagnosticians, even attending ARD meetings if necessary.
The inclusion of these professionals is completely up to you. We may be able to successfully complete treatment without them, or we may need to call on them for their expertise and they then become part of your mental healthcare team.